Hi All – If you liked my Valentine’s post with my Happy Scrappy Hearts pillow, you’ll love this follow-up. One of my readers, Carolyn, emailed me with when she saw the post with this comment about my Happy Scrappy Hearts Pillow: “It’s beautiful. It’s a very sweet project! I’m hoping to have my granddaughters each make pillows.”
Carolyn did sew with her granddaughters and sent me a great photo. One of the reasons I love this is because it’s great to see young people sewing.
Another thing I love about this is that Carolyn adapted the construction to work with their time frame and skill levels. Here’s what she had to say:
“I’m amazed at our granddaughters eagerness and tenacity. The oldest is about the age that I was when my mother started me on a sewing project, a duster (nightgown type dress), for my grandma. I just never imagined our littlest granddaughter would jump in and sew like she has. Because the girls were only with me over the weekend, we didn’t sew the strips together to make the hearts, so we adapted. But the piecing was one of the parts I liked best of the scrappy heart pillow project.”
I love that sewing is so adaptable and everyone can sew the way it suits them. Thanks for sharing, Carolyn!

I am excited about embroidery with my SE600 sewing machine. The designs are very pretty. Am hoping one of my grand dughters will like sewing.
Hi Maria –
I’ll bet the girls will be intrigued with the embroidery – a lot of kids find it fascinating. Good luck and please share some of your stitching from your new machine!