I’ve been wanting to share my sewing space for a while now but somehow never got around to it. One of the great things about sewing is that you can do it almost anywhere. The dining room table, the corner of a bedroom, or a multi-purpose guest room. I know one woman who inherited her mother’s home and turned the entire house into a massive sewing, quilting, and crafting studio. Just think of the space you would have to “stash” fabrics, thread, buttons, pretty papers, sewing machines, and more! My space is a converted one-car garage, which is connected to our family room/kitchen area. It is about 200 square feet and works great, except that it is a little more narrow than I would like.

sewing space

But I’m saying goodbye to my studio because my husband and I are moving from Southern California to the Nashville area of Tennessee (my home state). For the past year, we have been planning, designing, and creating a brand new house with a studio space that is over twice the size of the one I have now. The house will not be ready for a couple of months so we (including my sewing machine) are “visiting” one of my sisters in Florida for a while. So I decided to show you my space before it was too late. Click here for a short video of my sewing studio.

What does your sewing, quilting, and/or crafting space(s) look like? I’d love know where you create and what you like or don’t like about it. Feel free to share photos because we all know sewists are usually very visual! Later this Fall, I’ll share my new studio and we’ll discuss organization and storage options, because I’ll be looking for ideas!

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If you haven’t already, check out my new course about presser feet. Click here, Courses & Classes, or at the top of this page for more information.

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11 Comments on Susan’s Sewing Space (for a few more days)

  1. Susan,
    I will be sad to see you leave SoCal, but I wish you all the best! I l think you should know how much you taught me in my years at Bernina with you…I still write a sketchy outline before writing any class notes, and then add as I do the project. THEN, I write the handouts, supply sheets, etc. You taught me to not be afraid to try something new, and I think, ‘what would Susan tell me to do?’
    Have a good new life, and be safe in your travels. (and if you want to travel and teach, let me know:)

    • Hi Mary –
      Glad to hear from you.Thank you for your kind words!I haven’t traveled to teach since Covid but I may be ready in 2023. You’ll be the first to know.

      Take Care,


  2. I too am in the process of redesigning my sewing room . I am lucky to have a space roughly 14 x 25. I have decided to put all my kits, fabrics and UFOs into white bankers boxes on racks, I will have space for at least 66 boxes. I keep my thread in rolling wooden cabinets to protect from light. I am currently sorting projects and kits into boxes. After everything is sorted and put away, I will share some pics. This is the 3rd iteration of this room, and hopefully this will be the last “redoing” as my hubbie calls it. I’ve used Lois Hallock’s book to generate ideas as well as Pinterest and lots of youtubing. About 13 years ago, my hubbie made very heavy duty sewing tables for me . He used solid masonite doors on steel worktable legs. Never a bounce or vibration for any of my machines. I don’t have a website, but usually post on my facebook page. Thank you for sharing your journey. I love your classes on foot usage.

    • Hi Connie –
      Thanks for supporting me and my website. It sounds like you are much farther along than I am on designing my sewing space. I am basically moving with my machines and supplies but haven’t decided what I am going to do for furniture. I have some ideas but need to wait until I can see the finished space. I’m looking forward to working on it.

      Take Care,


    • It is a 790 PLUS – the best machine I’ve ever used (and I’ve used a lot!). What do you have?


  3. Good luck with your move! I hope your new house will be ready “on time”! Our closing was originally scheduled for early January and our latest update is closing will be July15th. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
    I haven’t finished the designing the elements of my new sewing room because of the multiple delays. I don’t have room for in our present home for the furniture and equipment (a larger sewing machine and serger).
    Any tips on layout and organization would be much appreciated!
    Good luck with your move, and many years of happiness in your new home!
    Ann E

    • Hi Ann –
      Thanks for the good wishes. We were hoping for October but it looks like November or December. I just hope it happens in 2022! Good luck with your new sewing space!

      Take care,


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